Daher, the industrial services reference
Daher is a top-ranked company in industrial services for civil and defense aerospace, with a global offer covering a very broad spectrum of needs for constant support throughout production:
> Industrialization
> In-situ integration & production
> OutStanding Work Services (OSW) & OutLocated Work services (OLW)
> Quality services
> Airlines & MRO services
Daher is present in key areas where the aerospace industry is concentrated in France and abroad to even better respond to the sector’s needs in the context of sharp increases in production rates.
of A320s that come off the production line were equipped with insulation blankets produced and installed by Daher
of the Airbus A350 fleet has a cabin installed by Daher’s teams
sites operated by Daher ex-situ/in-situ (all sectors combined)
Employees in manufacturing services worldwide
EN/AS/ JISQ9100/ ISO 9001 / EASA PART 145 / CAAP CAR PART 6 / AFAQ 9001
Our added value
A unique aeronautical know-how
Our unique aeronautical know-how and our assembly and installation skills ensure total quality in the operational processes of our customers. With our Part 21G and Part 145 qualifications, we also operate and apply our know-how in MRO services.
A support in the productions operations
Benefitting from our industrial DNA at the service of manufacturers, we bring value-added support to our customers’ production operations. We are involved in the activities of cabin outfitting, structures, completion and production coordination.
Agility and reactivity that ensure optimized lead times
We support customers by integrating our expertise into their manufacturing processes and supporting them during their peak activities. We provide resources for a range of industrial sectors and offer end-to-end solutions that link production and service activities.
Operational excellence
Our operational SeeD tool (Solution for Excellence and Empowerment by Daher) enables us to guarantee our commitment to the clients’ performance.
Testimonial / Use case

Lionel Ballet ,
Business Line ManagerA flagship of the Airbus family, the A350…
A flagship of the Airbus family, the A350 must respond to the requirements of airlines in terms of cabin interiors. Installed at the end of the assembly process, the cabin is a critical element of the A350.
Airbus has placed its trust in Daher to fully equip and install the cabins of one-out-of-every-two A350s coming off the production line. Therefore, this European aircraft manufacturer recognizes the Daher Group’s skills and know-how.