
The leader in industry logistics

The Daher difference comes from company’s industrial culture and the ability to offer high added-value services. It is an industrialist serving the logistics of other manufacturers.

By combining the company’s unique experience – based on a history of more than 150 years – with the recognized capability to innovate, Daher implements the most relevant digital solutions to transform, optimize and secure plant supply chains, manage and oversee inventories, control all logistical flows and meet the current and future challenges of its customers.

  • No. 1

    for industrial logistics in France

  • 120

    logistics sites operated in situ/ex situ

  • 5,000

    FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) workload

  • 26

    Innovative projects tested and deployed on Daher’s logistics platforms since 2018

Our added value

  • An industrial DNA

    Daher’s industrial DNA enables it to respond to complex logistics issues.

  • Our innovation strategy

    Big data, artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, the Internet of Things, the Daher Control Room, automated guided vehicles (AGV), drones… With the company’s strategy for innovation, based on the constant search for digital solutions that improve the quality and productivity of its services, Daher optimizes and secures the supply chain of its industrial customers while providing end-to-end visibility and traceability.

  • Our customer support

    Daher’s dedicated engineering unit provides optimal customer support.

  • Our industrial logistics expertise

    As an industrial logistics expert, Daher is developing its North American activities to be closer to customers.

Our offer

Production logistics

Daher optimizes incoming flows to production…

Daher optimizes incoming flows to production lines with in situ or ex situ solutions, and offer services adapted to the specifics of production lines: warehouse management and VMI (Vendor Management Inventory), quality control, storage, picking, kitting, packaging management, transportation and shuttles, along with delivery of production lines. The logistics expertise at Daher enable the company to identify and deploy high value-added digital solutions that are tailored to production needs.

Logistics & MRO

In this market, cost control, responsiveness…

In this market, cost control, responsiveness and technical expertise are key elements. Daher’s teams operate MRO warehouses for major aviation industry customers.
The company offers flow management and tracking services, technical analysis prior to the airworthiness verification of parts, quality control and AOG (Aircraft On Ground) flow.

Logistics for spare parts

The stakes in the aftermarket are high, and…

The stakes in the aftermarket are high, and they can be met through solutions that are responsive and adaptable to seasonal fluctuations.
To meet customers’ needs, Daher offers dedicated logistics solutions for spare parts and repaired parts: warehouse management, critical flow management, AOG flow, and quality control.

Engineering & innovation

Daher has a dedicated engineering unit that…

Daher has a dedicated engineering unit that delivers true added-value. For each of the company’s services, this unit operates in close association with customers for the:
– Creation of logistics plans,
– Integration of WMS/TMS (Warehouse Management/Transportation Management System) solutions with customer information systems,
– Design and integration of innovative, digital solutions: automated stores, integration of AGVs (automated guided vehicles), asset tracking, robotic process automation, the Internet of Things,
– IT application development: Daher Analytics, Daher Portal,
– Implementation of continuous improvement (deployment of PoCs),
– Leadership in the re-engineering of sites.

Use case