Daher at the Toulouse French Fab Tour

Toulouse, France

Daher’s teams participated in the French fab tour in Toulouse on June 6, but what is the French fab? The transformation of the industry has become a priority, that’s why the French fab tour was created in order to allow the sharing of innovation with industrial actors.

At Daher’s, Blood donation at the Marignane site

Marignane, France

Committed and supportive, Marignane’s teams made a collective action with EFS and our client on June 3rd. The day’s results: 50 donors, and nearly 22.5 litres of blood. Congratulations to them for this beautiful act of solidarity.

Daher continues implementation of its corporate strategic plan and strengthens its position in the thermoplastic structural components market with the acquisition of KVE Composites Group


Daher, the aircraft manufacturer and industrial equipment and services provider, is pressing ahead with implementation of its Succeed Together Strategic Plan for 2018-2022 structured around three priorities: greater added value; accelerated growth in North America; and establishing itself as the innovation and digital benchmark in all its business sectors. As part of achieving this ambition, …

Daher’s TBM 940 receives EASA certification at EBACE

Geneva, Switzerland, May 20, 2019 – Daher today announced that its new TBM 940 has been certified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), enabling deliveries to begin with this latest very fast turboprop aircraft version. EASA’s certification paperwork will be formally provided during the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) at Geneva, …

Daher teams up with Authenticiti to create an open blockchain solution for the aerospace supply chain

San Francisco, California, USA

San Francisco, California, USA, April 8, 2019 – An open blockchain application platform for the aerospace industry has been developed through a collaboration of Daher’s Silicon Valley-based innovation program, named Armstrong by Daher; and Authenticiti, a start-up that offers enterprise-grade, blockchain infrastructure through a simple cloud-based service. In optimizing Authenticiti’s blockchain technology for the aerospace …

The new DAHER anti-intrusion safety blind obtains certification by our customer ATR

April 2, 2019 – DAHER, a leading aircraft industry equipment supplier has obtained certification, by its customer ATR, for its new safety blind, designed for this constructor’s aircraft (ATR 42 and ATR 72). Following the FAA action to impose more stringent safety requirements, the ATR turboprop aircraft constructor asked DAHER to design a new blind …

Daher unveils the TBM 940

The new model will bring more automation in the cockpit to ease handling of the very fast turboprop aircraft with a smart and stylish cabin.