Strengthened by its leadership in its three core businesses – aircraft production, aircraft equipment and systems, along with logistics and services – Daher aims to continue to grow profitably by designing, manufacturing and marketing products and services that are adapted, innovative and cost-effective.
Suppliers, therefore, actively contribute to Daher’s added value and to the satisfaction of its customers. Daher’s purchasing policy aims to build lasting relationships with them based on trust and technological leadership.
Our Purchasing policy

Daher relies on multiple factors to optimize…
Daher relies on multiple factors to optimize the competitiveness of its purchases: support of the company’s main subcontractors and suppliers in a concerted competitive approach; international sourcing and increased purchases in the “best-cost countries,” concentration of its purchasing volumes with a limited number of suppliers; and development of long-term partnerships with major suppliers.

Industrial performance
As an important competitive advantage, the…
As an important competitive advantage, the management of the performance of our suppliers (compliance with delivery deadlines, compliance and quality of delivered parts/components) allows a better control of our production processes.

Management of the supplier line-up
To drive and optimize the performance of its…
To drive and optimize the performance of its suppliers, Daher set up a specific management system – named Paseo – which enables monitoring and analysis of key indicators (quality, costs, deadlines, responsiveness, service …) and which includes the supplier relationship in a process of continuous improvement.

To maintain and increase its technological…
To maintain and increase its technological lead, Daher relies on key partners with a view toward co-development and collaborative innovation, oriented to the long term.